Strategies NSROC


NSROC has undertaken a number of initiatives to help provide strategic direction for the region, including:

Social and Cultural Infrastructure Strategy 2020:

Having identified a number of capacity gaps in the region, we are developing a range of tools and information resources for our member councils to support more effective operation of existing infrastructure and to deliver increased capacity as our population grows overtime.

Read more about it here

Northern Sydney Transport Infrastructure Strategy 2020:

NSROC and our member councils are working with the NSW Government to deliver a safe and accessible transport system that will connect the region to the city in 30-minutes by public or active transport. This involves addressing missing links, developing local transport programs and embracing new technologies that will optimise existing networks.

Read more about it here

Northern Sydney Regional Waste Strategy 2022-2027:

This strategy provides the regional response to the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041. (WASM) It sets out the regional objectives, outcomes and initiatives to deliver our vision of a collaborative alliance of councils investigating and delivering balanced outcomes to recover resources, protect the environment and enhance community well-being.  The Strategy reflects the WASM themes and includes success indicators to track progress over time. NSROC’s role is to help deliver better outcomes through coordination, collaboration, research/investigation and advocacy.

Read more about it here

Regional Sportsground Strategy Review 2017:

NROC is committed to improving the coordination of community sportsground management across the region to maximise participation opportunities and deliver community health and amenity benefits. This report serves as an update to the previous strategy with a focus on analysing future demand for the provision of sports grounds in the region.

Read more about it here