Each member council is represented on the NSROC Board by the Mayor and a councillor. In addition to the Annual General Meeting, the Board meets four times a year to consider matters of strategic importance and provide direction to NSROC.
The current NSROC Executive members are:
- President: Mayor Tanya Taylor, Willoughby City Council
- Vice President: Cr Rochelle Flood, Lane Cove Council
- Vice President: Cr Nathan Tilbury, Hornsby Shire Council
In 1986, local councils from the northern Sydney area recognised the need for a united voice that could represent the region on key issues and work collaboratively for a better future. They came together to create the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC).
Today, NSROC continues to enhance the liveability, productivity and sustainability of the region through:
- Advocacy – to provide a united voice on shared concerns in our region
- Project management – to co-ordinate councils on regional or cross council projects
- Research – to assess and evaluate regional needs and trends
- Information provision – to provide councils and their communities with supporting resources
Our eight member councils include: Hornsby , Hunter’s Hill, Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, Mosman, North Sydney, Ryde and Willoughby.
Visit our community profile to find out more.
The General Managers Advisory Committee (GMAC) is made up of the General Managers or CEOs of our member councils. GMAC provides advice to NSROC on administrative and planning matters as well as recommendations to the Board. GMAC office-holders are:
- Secretary / Chair: Steven Head, General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council
- Treasurer: Dominic Johnston, General Manager, Mosman Municipal Council
To encourage regional dialogue and resource sharing, NSROC convenes a number of Professional Officers Groups (POGs) with representation from each of our member Councils. They meet on an ongoing basis to discuss common challenges and opportunities for cross-council collaboration.
The following POGs support our work:
- Arts & Cultural Services
- Communications & Media
- Community Services
- Environmental Sustainability
- Financial Services
- Local Emergency Management Operations
- Procurement
- Sports & Recreational Services
There are also time-limited project specific working or steering groups established. Current working groups include:
- Waste Advisory Group
- Northern Sydney Transport Leadership Group